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Always Do What You Love!

Writer's picture: Tips From PipsTips From Pips

Updated: Aug 17, 2024

It’s The perfect day to celebrate and Do What You Love!

It’s never too late to find your niche in this world. You are never to old to start over and focus on the things that truly make you happy! Starting over is half of the fun! Doing what makes you happy is the other half! 😊

All it takes is figuring out (if you haven’t already) what that is. You may feel like at this time in your life why start over now? Why? Because you deserve to be truly happy living your life the way that you want too. Taking that first step is the most important step to truly appreciate all that life has to offer you. Not just in the moment, but in everyday moments. Finding out what you really want to happen in your lifetime is so important. Not just for your mental health, but also for your physical and spiritual health.

Today is the day to feel that love! Love yourself first and everyone around you will feel that love to. I felt it! Love is in the Air today! It needs to be in the air every day!

Identifying and acknowledging your purpose in life is perhaps the most important action you can take. Take the time to understand what you love to do – and then pursue that with passion and enthusiasm.

For some of us, our purpose and passion in life is obvious and clear. We’re born with a set of talents and through persistent practice, we develop our talents into skills. And those skills become what we always wanted to love doing!

For the rest of us, though, (myself included) it’s not as easy to identify what you love to do. You may even have asked yourself at one point or another, “What should I do with my life?” “What is my passion?” or “What am I supposed to be doing?”

Maybe you have always wanted a full-time career, or maybe you wanted to be a full-time Mom? Maybe after a few years into that career, you find you just don’t have the passion anymore, or you regret your choices. Or maybe your kids have all grown up and you realize, there was always something more you wanted to do with your life. Well, now you can go for it and do what you love!

Alternatively, you may enjoy what you do, but when you dig down deep, you discover that you’re passionate about something altogether different than what you do or did. Well, now you can go for it!

Either way, you don’t need a huge Neon Sign to tell you what to do! Now is the time to do what you love and love doing it!

Finding your passion is the fun part, living your passion is the love part! Feel the Love today and every day! Happy Day to your new-found love interest – YOUR PASSION!


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