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  • Writer's pictureTips From Pips

Berry Banana Spinach Bowl Smoothie

Berries and Bananas and Spinach Oh My! The three main ingredients in this delightful, artsy lover smoothie recipe! A sure-pleasing-palette delight!


  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond milk/ Cashew milk Blend Vanilla

  • 1 cup spinach

  • 1 cup frozen mixed berries

  • 1 frozen banana

  • 1 T coconut flakes

  • 1 T almond butter

  • 1 T chia seeds


  1. Add all the ingredients to the blender.

  2. Blend until smooth.

*Note* You can also pour into a bowl and top with the following toppings: Fresh berries, banana slices, toasted coconut, almonds, chia seeds, and granola. Eat with a spoon and enjoy!

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