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Blog 178

October 23, 2020

INTERACTION Why is this so important in our everyday lives?

I’ll tell you why – because if we didn’t have human contact, some kind of human interaction – we would all die a lot sooner! Who wants to live as long as possible? I do! And, so, do you!

What kind of interaction is best suited for you? Only you can decide that. Not all interaction is good or beneficial to have in your life. You have to choose what is the right kind to help you live your best life.

Why? Because it is so important for your Health Happiness Journey. How you choose to interact with others will either benefit you or dissuade you from doing what you have to do to become a happier, healthier, stronger person.

Choose your tribe wisely. Let go of those that will hinder your progress and who will block your path to achieving success! If you have already been down that road, time to choose a new direction.

The right kind of interaction will guide you to a successful, healthy, happy life.

Now, who doesn’t want that?

We can all jump for joy when we find our true happiness!

What makes you Happy? How can you keep that feeling? What do you need to let go of to keep happiness in your life?

What can you do differently to maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle? Who are you interacting with? Are they making you happy or sad? Tough questions for sure, but you have to be asking yourself these questions, if you want to stay on your health happiness path.

Interaction can mean so many things to so many different people. So, what does it mean to you?

From a Health Happiness perspective: What is the importance of interaction?

Those who enjoy a lifestyle in which they often interact with others benefit substantially. They can potentially reduce many health risks, including cardiovascular problems, blood pressure and Alzheimer's disease. They also reduce their risk for mental health problems, such as depression.

What is the importance of human interaction in life?

Social support and social interaction have a positive influence on human beings' physical and mental health. So, at the end of the day we can actually say People need People.

Social interaction can lighten your mood and make you feel happier. Social interaction is good for your brain health. It Promotes a sense of safety, belonging and security. It allows you to confide in others and let them confide in you.

It allows you to be the person you need to be for a long and prosperous life of health and well-being. Now, who doesn’t want that?

Find your people, interact, and hold on tight. Your Mental Health depends on it!

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