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Let's Talk About the Elephant in the Room!

Blog 137

January 10, 2020

Let’s Talk About the Elephant in the Room!

Feeling a little blue after the Christmas Holiday and New Years holidays have passed? Me too! It’s always a little sad to put all the decorations away. Everything is so pretty and bright and sparkly and cheery.

Time to get back to reality and start a new year all over again. Time to start chatting about the elephant in the room. The fact that we are still on our health happiness journeys. No more excuses to be made. No more cookies and pies and leftovers to get rid of! It’s time to really have that heart to heart conversation about our health, and how we are going to either stay on the path, start on the path or maintain our path!

We can make the choice to face our fears or we can say goodbye to the past year and forget about making any changes this year. We need to talk about what we want to make happen to find our way to a better health. The choice is up to us! I am going to choose to find the right motivation and to continue on my own path towards a healthier me!

The clutter is all put away, its time to empty out our own clutter that is filling up our heads with self-doubt, depression and sadness over the weight we may have gained over the holidays, and the poor choices we may have made over and over again this past year. Time to clean out our closets and start fresh!

If you have enablers in your life, it’s time to have that conversation with them about why they are keeping you on the wrong path. It’s time to let them know that you are making the choice to change your habits to live a strong, healthier, happier life, and that they are not helping you to reach the end of the path you need to reach.

It’s time to laugh at ourselves and others and just be happy. It’s a new year, it’s a new you and it’s a new me! That elephant in the room will go back to the wild and stay there if you just let it go free!

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