Many people find that having a goal in mind gives them something to work towards. It motivates them to stay on track and provides a measure of how well they are doing. If you're trying to become more physically active, lose weight and become healthier, then realistic, well-planned goals will help keep you focused and motivated.
What is the first step?
#1 Is to make a list of the goals you want to achieve.
#2 Is making sure they are realistic for yourself.
#3 Is making sure they are achievable.
#4 Is to have a plan set in action to achieve those goals.
#5 Is to have a time plan, but not be so strict towards the length it will take.
#6 Is to start with the easiest goal you have set for yourself first.
#7 Is to try to achieve one goal at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself to reach all your goals consecutively.
#8 Is to not be discouraged.
#9 Is to focus on one goal at a time, and not necessarily in the order you wrote them.
#10 Is to not give up.
What is the next step?
Make a list of mini-incentive awards for yourself. If your goal is to lose a certain amount of weight – then start with 10-pound increments until your goal weight is achieved. Do not reward yourself with food! Buy that outfit you have been eyeing. Buy a new nail polish. Get a manicure and pedicure. Buy that new piece of furniture you have wanted.
Each new weight category you reach, reward yourself with something just for you!
And the third step?
Be forgiving. Give yourself a break if you don’t reach one of your goals.
Be forgiving. Give yourself a break if you don’t reach a goal within the timeframe you set for yourself.
Be forgiving. Give yourself a break if you are stagnant and not moving forward.
Be forgiving. Give yourself a break and move on to the next goal.
Be forgiving. Give yourself a break if one of the goals becomes unreachable.
Be forgiving. Make a new goal!
Success is all you have! Start today!